level up in business and life with a high performance lifestyle
High Performance Lifestyle Coaching
You want it all. Enjoying the good things life has to offer, presenting at your highest potential, financial freedom and relationships that fulfill you.
You are already successful on many levels. You run a successful company or startup, are a true entrepreneur in some form or an ambitious and driven professional.
But you notice this is at the expense of your health and perhaps your relationship. You experience constant stress, you have started to develop bad habits and you just know that it is not sustainable this way.
What you need is a High Performance Lifestyle.
With a High Performance Lifestyle, the approach is to live at the highest level in all areas of your life.
To get the most out of yourself without compromising your physical or mental health, you need a lifestyle that supports your ambitions. This is what they call a High Performance Lifestyle
Optimal mental and physical health
Maximum focus, clarity and decisiveness
A rock-solid mindset
Relationships that fulfill you
Satisfaction from what you do
a holistic view
At High Performance Lifestyle Coaching, we look at lifestyle in a holistic way. The ultimate goal is to develop a lifestyle that:
Supports you optimally mentally, physically and emotionally
Is sustainable
Helps you get the best out of yourself in all areas of your life.
Create a life where you are successful in all areas.
optimal mental and physical health
To get the best out of yourself, you must have a lifestyle that supports you mentally, physically and emotionally. I help you develop a holistic lifestyle that supports you as much as possible.
high performance mindset
You have the DNA of a High Performer, you have the drive and ambition and that requires a certain way of thinking. I help you cultivate a mindset that will make you see possibilities and become more effective than ever
productivity routines and life hacks
To get the most out of yourself, you need to develop habits and routines that help you get more life and productivity out of your days. I help you develop these routines
the process
When you decided to do this your roadmap will look something like this. Of course, not much can be said about the duration of the program because this is highly personal but I will make sure you get all the tools and support you’ll need to recover as quickly as possible and responsible.
First, we need to get a good idea of what you're struggling with. We map this out well by means of an intake. Then do a full Lifestyle review. I want to know what your life looks like, what you think, do, eat and drink.
a full lifestyle assessment
Then do a full Lifestyle review. I want to know what your life is like, what you think, do, eat and drink.
We're looking at.
Sleep quality
Energy and stress balance
lifestyle design
Once we have mapped out the status quo, I will create a roadmap and create a program for you that will help you make sustainable change. The goal is to help you develop a lifestyle that suits you, that you want and can maintain and that brings out the best in you.
By means of a combination of coaching on behaviour, routines, lifestyle and mindset, I will help you lay the foundation for your new lifestyle.
You have laid the foundation of your new lifestyle and you are already experiencing tremendous improvement in your energy level, focus and mood. Now is the time to make this lifestyle permanent.
good luck
You are a new person. Your lifestyle is no longer a limitation but an important tool in creating more success, happiness and satisfaction. You notice that you function better on both a business and private level and that is bearing fruit. You are a High Performer
are you ready to start?
Could this be exactly what you need? Then click on the button below and let's see together whether this is something for you and how you could best start.