You want it all. Enjoying the good things life has to offer, presenting at your highest potential, financial freedom and relationships that fulfill you.
You are already successful on many levels. You run a successful company or startup, are a true entrepreneur in some form or an ambitious and driven professional.
But you notice this is at the expense of your health and perhaps your relationship. You experience constant stress, you have started to develop bad habits and you just know that it is not sustainable this way.
What you need is a High Performance Lifestyle.
A holistic lifestyle that helps you get best out of life
With a High Performance Lifestyle, the approach is to live at the highest level in all areas of your life.
To get the most out of yourself without compromising your physical or mental health, you need a lifestyle that supports your ambitions. This is what they call a High Performance Lifestyle

The ultimate goal is to help you design a lifestyle that helps you get the best out of your life in all areas
Optimal mental and physical health
Maximum focus, clarity and decisiveness
Satisfaction from what you do
Satisfaction from what you do
A strong mindset
Relationships that fulfill you
Yes, I want this!
Who am I
I have not always been a coach . Until 2011 I worked in financial services. I was not happy, had a destructive lifestyle, experienced a lot of stress and little satisfaction and weighed almost a hundred kilos.
Until I got burned out.
With the help of personal development and lifestyle I recovered in a record time of 3 months and underwent a complete transformation.

I lost 25 pounds, quit smoking and decided to go back to what I really wanted and said goodbye to my old life in financial services.
Since then, I've been on a mission to help as many people as possible create a life that truly fulfills them.
I know from experience what impact lifestyle and personal development can have
Because of my personal experience with depression, burnout, and being overweight, I know the negative impact that a bad lifestyle and chronic stress can have. However, I also know how lifestyle, mindset, and personal development can help you completely transform your life! That's why I'm incredibly passionate about what I do, helping people like you reach new levels by creating a lifestyle that optimally supports them.
Would you like to know what I can do for you?

what do my clients say?
why should you want my help?
Because I understand you. I understand that you want to get the best out of your life and go for it. I share this DNA. Everything you're going to learn, I'll do myself. I also want to get the best out of myself. But I also know that to do that you have to create a lifestyle that supports this.
And I can help you develop it like no other.
An experience expert, health coach, personal development expert, life long learner and life hacker as your coach and mentor